Green Valley Recycling & All Valley Environmental Business Cards




Due to restructuring and the reorganization of two businesses, owned by own family, the companies old business cards would no longer be used. In keeping with the new website designs, the owner wanted to document each businesses design system and create new business cards.


Cataloging and reverse engineering the old design system, then, use that system to create a series of professional but approachable business cards for each business.


Using Adobe Font Finder to decipher which font was used on the original logo, create a duplicate logo in illustrator, color pick and document colors and display the info for each business.

Tools USED

Design System

After having gathered and produced the necessary the logo, the fonts, and color scheme. I was able to move forward with the design of the business cards. I, again, wanted them to feel as traditional as the agriculture business itself, and share a layout that was not the same but similar. The front shows information for contact, the backs show TLDR info and a QR shortcut to the businesses new site.


Using the small design systems shown above, I was able to throw together six ideas for business cards for each business. GVR cards generally are bolder and clunky-er. There is a sturdier visual weight to them. AVE cards are more delicate and intentional. Appearing more refined and scientific, as is the nebulousness of the name.


In all, 10 new business cards were created and issued to the staff members. In the process, the beginnings of a design system were created for each small business. Moving forward, this will make the process of designing for this business easier for whoever works with them in the future. Result is shown below.

Home & Garden Show

The crew over at Green Valley Recycling are going to be attending a home and garden show raising awareness about their brand. In an attempt to inform the public about their products, the crew asked that I create a postcard sized flyer to be handed out at the show. The only constraints being the inclusion of services, products, and their contact info.

Beginning with a photo of their truck in action, I cleared the background to make it a PNG. adjusted the colors, changed the foreground to grass, and removed weeds blocking the truck. After placing it on a white background I added their logo and some curved graphic elements. Repeating those on front and back gave the postcard a sense of unity. Displaying the and services in a grid style allows the customer to process the information quickly and efficiently. This flyer is being printed for use by GVR.

Utilizing GVR Design System

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